Aura Photo Reading
Aura Photo Reading
What is the Cost?
- $75/session
What is an aura photo reading?
Auras are like a secret language that our bodies speak, revealing our emotional state and energy to the world. They're said to be visible to some, but we can all feel them. An aura reading can reveal several things. It can indicate whether a person is grounded or ungrounded, spiritually, or in need of energy healing, as well as their personality type.
Every individual has a unique aura color scheme due to the emotions and thoughts that create different aura vibration levels. The aura is an energetic vibration, which is why it is often referred to as someone’s vibe. Aura readings may reveal a lot about their mental, emotional, and spiritual health by looking at the colors in their own energy field, also known as their aura. Your aura reflects not only your present consciousness, thoughts, and emotions, but also your life experiences, thought structures, patterns, desires, and aspirations. The important thing to remember is that there are no bad colors, just positive or negative colors, similar to one’s personality or mood.
It is a powerful way of understanding the energy you radiate, because knowing yourself is key to creating a better life.
What does the report consist of?
- Two photos of your Aura: Face & Full Body
- Visual image of your entire chakra system
- Explanation of the main aura color: your personality type and Characteristics
- Significance of the size and shape of your chakra
- Mental, physical, spiritual balance ratios
- Energy level graph, which measures your vibrational field in mind/body/spirit
- State of Mind/Body/Graph which indicates if you are stressed or relaxed
- Male-female energy balance
The report will be saved to a USB flash drive for you.